The Archive
1997 to present
2012 [Download pdf]
Children Vanish from Household: our
big year of milestones; Class war on the Banks of the Cam; Obituaries: Sylvia
Coburn and Margaret Morris; Nice Year for a White Wedding; Back Garden Safari;
Taking the Bamboo out of Bamboozle; Spot the Shoots; Workers of the COST project
unite! Platform Souls; Plague Inc.; Cambridge Risk Centre First Outputs;
Editorial Independence; The Graduate; Turtle Rescue in the Caribbean; Olympian
Heights; A Tale of Two Hurricanes.
2011 [Download pdf]
In the Heart of the Dragon: our visit to China;
Bumps A-Daisy; Tabitha's Wedding; family Formal Hall; Retrofit Rockets; Shrink
to Fit; Student Life, Libraries and CEx; RMS LifeRisks - Rebranded (twice);
Reconstruction Miracle; University Risk Centre; Classified - getting security
clearance; Wheels of Destiny; Students eh?; Alice Gets the Lab Bug; Dublin Up;
Bat Safari; Gridiron Grins; Working for the Man; All's Well That Ends.
[Download pdf]
Survival of the Fittest: our holiday on Galapagos
Islands; 2010 Bumps party coincides with England's opening game of the soccer
World Cup; Obituary: Leonard Coburn; A Bird on the Hand; iFad; Getting a Bigger
CAR; Retro Fit for the Future; RMS Joins Top Table with Growth Plan; Interactive
Architecture; China Trade Mission; Life in the Fast Lane; Acropolis Now; Face
Fungus; The University Challenge.
[Download pdf] Our Pyramid Scheme:
seeking refuge from the financial crisis among the monuments of ancient Egypt;
Bank Crisis During Liquidity Shortage - Bumps Party 2009; Barcelona Nights;
Birthday Girls; Unwelcome House Guest; Our Babies All Been Done Grown Up; CAR
Saleswoman - Helen's China business trip; Getting Retrofit; Living COST;
Emerging Leadership; Cambridge University Risk Studies Initiative; Ritorno in
Italia; Gowned in Paris; Alice Comes to Jesus; Back Down the Pub; Coburn of the
Fourth Form; Browned Off.
[Download pdf] Hunting Tigers Out in India:
Exploring India; Other Tales from Our Corner; Bumps Crowd Nearly Behaves Itself
- Bumps Party Report; Couldn't Keep Away from California; Nth Degree - Helen
gets her MBA; Shrinking Network That Just Keeps Growing; China Earthquake;
Micro-Insurance and Disaster Mitigation; RMS Activities; Chinese Whispers; Henry
in Italy; Henry Grows Another Foot; Out of the Red and into the Black; Ah! Those
Russians; Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre; Work and Experience.
2007 [Download pdf]
Four Wet Parties and a Funeral: A year of
milestones, memories, and passings; Life is a Beach; Oxfam Walk; Family
Fortunes; A is for Alice and A Levels begin; Up Creek With Paddle; Dr. Ian
Mulligan - Obituary; Teenage Kicks; Assaults on the Home Front; Honey I Shrunk
the City - Helen's research network now takes in cities on the rebound; MBA
C'est le Business; Risks of Death and Risks of Life - New areas of business for
Andrew's work with RMS; Andrew's 50th: Pay Attention Blonde!; Brolly Boating
Weather: Bumps Party 2007; Legge Family Reunion; Jerry's 50th, Simon's 50th;
Andy's 50th; C.A.R.'s 20th; Andrew & Helen's 20th.
[Download pdf] Into Africa: Our
safari through the South African game reserves; California Revisited - Back to
the Bay to catch up with old friends; Biarritz Crackers - Reunion holiday for
three families brought together by deep breathing exercises; Super-Heriocs on
the River; The Other Family - foxes in the garden; Saying goodbye to Tony
Sylvester; Shrinking Cities Shrink the World; Where do they get their energy? -
Helen's work on the London Olympics 2010; Calculating the odds of a Pandemic;
Children's Books; Go Kart Kids; Novel Wedding; Some Corner of a Foreign Field;
Her Chance in Court; A Family Year; Quinquagenarianism.
[Download pdf]
[Go to Web Page Version]
Back in Our Corner: After three years in the U.S. we move back to
Cambridge; Vanishing Trick - our farewell to California; Hawaii Sleigh Bells -
our Xmas holiday; Hot Bumps party, and Helen's Trouble on the Ski Piste;
Reductive Planning - Helen's shrinking city project; Powerful Facades; Katrina
Tops off a Record Catastrophe Season; Back into Uniform; Monster Movie; Watching
the Radio; Henry's Public Reading; Midnight Pottery; Scratch-O-Matic;
[Download pdf]
[Go to Web Page Version] A
Second Term Mandate: We extend our American adventure for an additional year to
watch the 2004 Presidential election, among other things; View from the Spy Glass; The
Hattest Party in Town; New York New York - So good we went there twice; Explosive Program;
Catastrophe, Injury and Insurance; RAND Center; Pat Pending; Expanding Horizons: Shrinking
Cities; New Under the Sun; Screenwriting Evenings; Administrative Affairs; Monster Year
for RMS; Sheer Murder; Sirens Signal Victory; Mulligan Bends Coach's Ear; Tsunamis
Swamp League; Fashion; Raving; Whiner Gets Birthday Treat.
How the West Was Won:
Our adventure continues with our first complete year in the U.S.; The Usual Bumps Party
Report; Visitors to California; Grandma and Grandpops score 50; Back to Eden; Dentistry in
America; Deliverance from our canoeing trip; Mars Viewing; RMS Posts Record Results;
Energy Efficiency in California; Terrorism Risk Work Receives Recognition; Film Reviews;
Harry Potty; Thar She Blows; Little League Baseball; Sculptured.
2002 Coburns in
California: Our great American adventure gets underway; Bumps party 2002; California
Holiday - theme park rides and animals; Carbon Emission Trading Project at Berkeley;
Terrorism Bill Gives Boost to Risk Modeling; Earthquake Protection - publication of second
edition; Giants baseball review; Quake Watch and 'Spot the Difference' competition.
2001 Hats Off to the Winners: The
Bumps party featured boaters and bonnets; Animal X-Files; Ivory Trading Still Preacticed
in Parts of East Anglia; A Big Welcome to Misi; Ditton Corner Shrinks!; C.A.R. Dealings;
DEMULOG Project; Dot.Bombed; Most Wanted; Options Open; Earthquake in India; World Trade
Center Disaster; In the Footsteps of Odysseus; London Eye Saw; British Grand Prix; Robot
Wars Live.
2000 All Done Bar the Snagging: Our Move to Ditton Corner;
Family Goes Downhill; Timberrr!!; Squirrel Eats Mouse; New Ventures in RMS; TLAs Rule
OOK?; Ditton Corner - Staging post in Cam Races; As Old as the Fens.
1999 Totally Eclipsed: Following
the penumbra in Cornwall; School report; Welcome to Kriszta; Doing the Millennium Wheel;
St. Peters for Easter; Turkey Earthquake; AiMing High; RMS dotcom; CURBE Crawl;
Reinsurance Book.
Small Change: Adventures in America; Alice's New School; Livin' in a Lighthouse; The
Reluctant Mince Pie; World Cup Football Report; St. Peters for Easter; Sold to the Man in
the Zebra-Skin Jacket; Cambridge Architectural Research Reinvests; CURBE Launch.
1997 Vintage Year in Chateau Coburne; Coburns Down Under; Florida
Adventures; Top notch; Forty Somethings; Photo Finnish; Spider Invasion;
Photo summary of the year; C.A.R. marks 10th anniversary; CARtograph
invades Europe.