Big Trees No Bears Our Visit to Yosemite 2002 A weekend in the famous park in the Sierra mountains with Grandma Edna gave us spectacular scenery and great walks through forests of giant sequoia trees. It was the bear season. We read up on the protocol of bear-human etiquette. Sadly (?) we failed to see a single bear. Although some poo we found on one of the higher trails looked suspiciously like the ones drawn and described in the tracker's guide book. (What's that saying about bears, woods and excrement?) The giant sequoia trees of the park were fantastic. Even though this giant fell two hundred years ago, the tannins in its wood preserves it from rotting. The sequoia groves are related to the redwoods found in the coastal areas of California. They are magnificent. Off on the trails. It was good to get off the beaten trail and on the rocky roads through the forests. We were in mountain lion territory. The guidelines said that if you meet one you should open out your jacket and make loud noises. We were the loudest, open-jacketest group on the trail. The mountain lions headed for the hills. We saw deer, several types of squirrels, chipmunks, lizards and lots of other wildlife. But still no bears. The Cabin
Here we are playing Risk on the outdoors terrace. Superb terrace - it had a view over five mountain ranges. Alice makes lunch. The Coburn family in the forest. What a group of troupers. And the upper falls. Spectacular mountains. What a holiday. Cheshire Cat Productions 2002 |