Aerial view of the riverThe Ditton Corner plot from the airFen Ditton - an aerial view

Home Up Group 2001 Rowing Report




Boaters & Bonnets Group Photo 2001

Here's the gang - how many can you spot?  Yes it is still raining.

Can you spot the bowler hat?  (It is very difficult).

More photos and party report

Compare this with the same scene in 1910.

 The assembled guests at the Bumps & Carnage party 2001

Photo credits: Siobhan Malone #62

Spotted the bowler hat yet?  Answer below...



Many thanks to our official photographer, getting wet on the opposite river bank...

Siobhan Malone

Siobhan Malone, Photographer

Tel: 01223 507838

Copies of her credited photographs are available directly from Siobhan Malone - ask for photograph #





Where's the bowler hat?

Pete throwing his bowler in the air

Uncle Pete throws his bowler hat in the air at the moment the photo is taken...


[Page Repaired 2010]