Turkey Earthquake
It happened. A 7.2 magnitude earthquake just east of Istanbul. It was
worse than expected.

When we did the analysis in 1985 we knew it would be bad. The 7+
magnitude on the Ismit branch of the North Anatolian Fault has been long expected. The
Cambridge University study 14 years ago estimated the probable number of deaths at between
8,000 and 25,000.
When it came on 17 August 1999 it killed 35,000 people. The
population of the region has virtually doubled in the past decade and the building boom
has created entire suburbs of highly vulnerable sub-standard multi-storey apartment
Andrew was one of the RMS team that flew in to the affected region
to survey the damage. For him it was a return to the subject of his Ph.D. thesis -
earthquake protection for buildings in Turkey.
Somehow, however, this was not just another earthquake. The
children in the refugee camps looked a lot like a son and daughter back home. It was all
rather more abstract back in 1985.
AiMing High
Cambridge Architectural Research has another memorable
year and launches a new initiative

Helens knowledge of the Deutsche Bahn train timetable is improving daily.
She has visited Austria, France and Greece in pursuit of AIR inSTRUCT, NAVAIR and now the
fearsome DEMULOG. Familiarity with the more obscure EU acronyms is taking a little longer.
CAR has welcomed archeologist Chris Going as another director, and is fast
growing a team to identify the risk from unexploded aerial interdiction (thats
bombs, folks) in the European theatre. Visit our website to find out more: www.carltd.com
Marias Celeste
Some people sponsor endangered animals. CAR sponsored a rare and unusual
instrument - the Celeste - for Cambridge University Musical Society. This shy beast was
featured in a magnificent performance of Mahlers Eighth Symphony at the Royal Albert
Hall in December. Clients and directors were treated to drinks, opera glasses and a
spot-the-celeste competition.
RMS dotcom
The year ended with a new role at RMS for Dr. Coburn, heading up a new internet
division for the company. RMS has a new president, Hemant Shah, who is restructuring the
company for the information age.
Sponsorship of three Ph.D. studentships by an RMS client has launched the
Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment. Andrew is a member of the
steering committee, helping with research proposals.
Reinsurance Book
Andrews publications this year include a chapter contributed to the
authoritative textbook Carters Reinsurance.

Commuting in two continents
